Hi everyone!

Wow, it’s been a crazy year that has gone by. So many things have changed for me. I got my real estate license, I’ve expanded my piano studio, I got married, we’re saving money to buy a house, and so much more. My husband and I have a lot planned for what we want to do in the future. I love this blog even though it’s been awhile since I’ve updated it. You guys have followed me on my journey through these past few years and the growth I’ve had from sharing my life is insurmountable. I highly recommend anyone that wants to change their life to create a blog. You have to post at least 50 blog posts on it though. It’s not too bad. I think I’ve written about 300 blog posts in total from all of my blogs. I’m also seeing that I can make blog stories now. I’m excited for the future of my blogging career.

My last post was a huge moment in my blogging career. Even though I posted here on this smaller blog, I still feel powerful for sharing it. It was a story that I was hiding for a long time. When I finally wrote the entire story out on WordPress, I was liberated from it. I haven’t felt any resentment anymore from what happened to me.

Ultimately, I’m excited to continue sharing my life on here. I’ve seen my fellow bloggers expand their blogs and I’m so happy for them. They’ve done well on this platform. The support on WordPress is unlike anywhere else. I know that we have each other’s support and it feels good to know that I’m not alone on this blogging journey. I wish everyone on here a safe weekend and a happy life. I’ll continue to update here as much as I can. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blogs.

The first step towards healing

I’ve been wanting to tell this story for some time. I didn’t know I had to write it all out before I can finally begin healing. Instead, I’ve been keeping it bottled inside and the anger I’ve felt from it has made me absolutely miserable. Even though this is not my main blog, I wanted to post this on here. To be honest, I’m afraid of what my sister and family will say when they see this. And I’m still scared to speak up about what has happened in my life. To anybody that knows me personally, I am shy and quiet. I don’t have many friends. I’m not so shy that I am afraid to talk to people, but I spend a lot of time by myself. And that’s okay. If that’s how I feel comfortable, I don’t see what’s wrong with that. I have many piano students of mine that I talk to every day. it’s just that on some days, I like to watch YouTube or take a nap by myself. Because of my personality, I believe it’s easy to pick on me. In my life, there have been instances where I’ve been yelled at, taken financially advantage of, and manipulated to feel like I’m worthless. I don’t hold anger over those situations anymore, but I still feel upset about how my family has treated me over the last couple of years.

Every family is different. My family enjoys keeping a good public image and spending money. With vacations or meals, they spend a lot of money on expensive things. I’m the opposite. I don’t need to eat lobster in order to be happy. I like eating the same meal a couple days in a row. And I don’t need to get my food delivered when I can go pick it up. Anyways, the only person that I can honestly say that has been nice to me is my oldest sister. Through bad times, she has stuck up for me. When my second oldest sister continued to bash me in front of everyone, she was the one to try to stop it.

I worked at my second oldest sister’s law firm. I was excited to learn. And I picked up things quickly. There were so many things that I loved while I worked there. Originally, my sister said that I was an intern. I was okay with that even if I was unpaid. I thought my payment was going to be through experience and being able to learn. Things were okay. She told me that I could bring my lsat books there to study if I wanted to. And sometimes I did. When days were less hectic, I opened my books. I felt guilty doing so. Just like any job, I would feel guilty not doing the work I was supposed to do. She had told me it was okay so I did it. At the end of the day, she called me into her office to yell at me for studying.

My job was simple. I helped file papers, scan documents, mail forms, answer phone calls, check the statuses of all the family cases, and more. At the end of that particular day, there were no more tasks to do. I asked the head of the family cases department if she needed help. She said no. I asked the traffic cases department and they said no. I don’t understand why I was being yelled at and told I was not doing anything. My sister claimed I wasn’t working when I supposed to be. She wasn’t even there most of the day to see me working. I ended up not saying anything. Again, I didn’t know what to say. I tried not to be upset and I kept my mouth shut. She continued to say how if I wasn’t her sister, I would have been fired a long time ago. I think back to that phrase often and I think I know why she said that. She was upset that I was doing something for myself. She wanted all my time and effort to be on her, and if I was working to improve myself, I was taking advantage of her. That was not the case. I often worked overtime for her. The duration of my unofficial employment there was 3-4 months. I was never paid, given set hours to work, or had an official job title. When I asked her what my title was, she said I was the assistant’s assistant. Remember when I told you I was supposedly an intern? I guess not. She didn’t consider me an intern or else she would have treated me as one. I worked there 18 hours a week all unpaid with no mention of an official job.

When we had a new staff member, no one had time to train her. I decided to help out and take the my original day off to come back in to the office to train her. The new staff member, besides the main staff, treated me like I was scum. I could understand. I was clearly unpaid. If I was just the assistant’s assistant, would you respect me either? As days went by, I couldn’t handle it anymore. I kept my composure on the inside and I never officially told my sister how I felt. Working with her in the beginning was the best, but the last couple of weeks were some of the worst. She made me feel useless, incompetent, and worthless. I understand if I did something wrong and she corrected it, but I felt like I was used. I can’t justify the treatment I received by her. At the law firm, everyone is treated as an assistant unless you’re an attorney. The work environment becomes hostile and mostly turns into a popularity contest. I wish I hadn’t wasted my time there. I should have been studying more diligently for my lsat instead and working somewhere else to make some money.

It has been multiple years of ongoing verbal abuse and belittlement. In my family, it is a popularity contest. When I talk to my dad, he’ll walk away mid-sentence. The same thing happens when I talk to my second oldest sister. When she speaks to me about her day, I’m expected to listen. Once I begin sharing something about myself, they stop listening and walk away. The other day when I was talking to my family, they were annoyed with the sound of my voice. When they were speaking, I was listening. And when I started talking, they complained that I wasn’t making any sense. I understand that they probably want to talk and for me not to reply. Some people like the sound of their own voices I guess. When we talk now, I try to keep it brief. For any interaction, I keep my distance. I know that it’s better to try and live a happier life without them than to consistently be miserable with them.

I’m not going to lie. There were many days when I cried because of their treatment. I remember crying when my dad ignored me. I cried on the floor when my mom said I was a stupid girl. I felt heartbroken when my second oldest sister yelled at me in front of everyone. I can’t take back my time and energy I’ve lost to them, but I want to try making a change. I want to put my story out into the world so I can finally be heard.

For many days now, whenever they belittle me, I don’t say anything. I become silent. They continue talking and belittling regardless if I reply. I know there’s nothing I can do to change this. For so much of my life, I’ve lost any happiness I could have had because I was sad over my family. With my husband and dog, I’ve felt for the first time in my life a family that I truly enjoy being in. There’s no need to uphold a public image that makes me look good. I don’t have to beg my dog to hang out with me. With my sister, I have to beg her to hang out with me privately. They exclude me from events and hangouts. Even for my wedding, I had to beg them to come. I saved the email where my dad told me he isn’t coming to my wedding.

I don’t know where to go from here. I feel fine not having that family close to me. It’s been exhausting to pick myself back up each time they push me down. I was too scared to share this story, but I hope that someone finds it helpful. Stick up for yourself. If someone tells you that you are stupid and that you’re alone, distance yourself from them. They are my family not by choice.

Living on cloud 9

I don’t care what certain people think of me all that much. I know the kind of person that I am and I know that I work very hard. No one can change my opinion of myself. I know that I have done good in my life.

I know someone that is hurting inside because he inflicts emotional pain on everyone around him. I have distanced myself emotionally and physically. And I know that it hurts him. His personality will never change. I cannot stay around someone that is so disturbingly mean and ill minded. I am so glad that I have done this. My life has improved so much since. If you know someone that hurts you or has hurt you beyond repair, don’t let them continue to hurt you. Stay far away as possible. And take care of yourself. Since COVID, it has been more important than ever to focus on yourself. No, you are not selfish. Take care during this time and please stay safe.

Anxiety and Being Scared

I follow the Power of Positivity on Facebook and I came across this image right when I was in the middle of panicking. I am scared to drive again in the same area where I had an accident recently. I’m so scared. And I know that I will be okay as long as I learn to calm down. I hope that today will be a good day. I will try my best to breathe and believe that I will be okay.

Dr. Phil’s Message

I’ve recently been watching tons of Dr. Phil episodes on YouTube. And I learned one message that really resonated with me. He said that young women who constantly stay in abusive relationships, put themselves in dangerous situations, or stay in situations that make them unhappy do not like themselves. If they liked themselves, they wouldn’t do that to themselves. I’m beginning to learn that. I need to know that I deserve better. I deserve to be treated right and I know that now. I think I haven’t been thinking straight for the past year or two. I’ve put myself in situations where I was incredibly unhappy. I was hurt repeatedly emotionally. And I was crying a lot. I need to constantly remind myself that I deserve better. I like myself and I deserve better.

Concern is only for myself now

I’ve realized that many of my concerns have been to please other people. I’m not always concerned about others per se, but I have had my fair of moments where I have to change myself in order to please others. And I’m tired of it. I believe that I need to make a change. I feel ready to start doing things for myself. I don’t always have to please other people. I’m going to do things for me now.

Concern is only for myself now

I’ve realized that many of my concerns have been to please other people. I’m not always concerned about others per se, but I have had my fair of moments where I have to change myself in order to please others. And I’m tired of it. I believe that I need to make a change. I feel ready to start doing things for myself. I don’t always have to please other people. I’m going to do things for me now.

A great week but things are back to the usual

I had a great week with my partner. We spent a lot of time together and we actually were able to have meals together. It was amazing. Now that things are somewhat okay with him and his parent, we aren’t able to have dinner together anymore. It’s normal. His parent is very controlling. I had a glimpse of what it would be like to be in a normal relationship with my partner and I am so glad it happened. I don’t want to be mean, but I hope that this happens more often. I am not really allowed to have meals with my partner because his parent monopolizes that time. It’s alright. I know that my future will not be like this. I will be able to have meals with him again.

In other news, my sister has been not nice to me again. My family tries to tell me what to do and they act like they have an input on everything, but they don’t. My life is mine and I want to be able to live it. I’m tired of being told what to do. If I wanted to be controlled all the time, I would have someone do that. I don’t, however. I can barely take it when my partner’s parent intrudes in everything. They have to know what I’m doing and where I’m going. I don’t ask any of these questions about other people, so I don’t understand why I’m being asked about all of the time. I apologize if this post is full of me complaining. I will try to improve my mood and clear my mind. Thank you for listening.

Why smokers can be selfish

I woke up this morning to the smell of smoke in the air yet again. I’m tired of coming home to smell smoke all the time. I am not a smoker, so I don’t understand why I am forced to have secondhand smoke in my face 24/7. I didn’t ask for my lungs to be black like their’s. It’s absolutely disgusting and it makes this house into a filthy environment. No one can possibly raise a child here or even eat food amongst all the black smoke. I don’t like smoking. And I will never like it. Even when I’m sleeping, I’m forced to listen to blasting loud television and forced to have black smoke pumped into my nose. I’m not the only one that thinks it smells bad. Trust me.

Expectations cause disappointments

I remember my older sister telling me a long time ago not to expect things from people because I’ll only end up being disappointed. Today, I was disappointed. I wanted my partner to make plans for us this weekend because I always end up doing it, but he didn’t. I’m thinking that I should just make my own plans for myself and just let him do his own thing. I’m wondering if I should plan the entire weekend out with my own plans. I want him to say something like “let’s go do something together this weekend.” And I’m tired of being stuck in this house. It’s so boring. I feel like our lives are stagnant because of his responsibilities at home and I’m slowly becoming tired of it. We can never do anything fun. Even if I make my own plans, it’s not what I really want to do. I’ll only end up hurting myself. And I don’t think he’ll even notice. I hate this.

Life has been a little better

Ever since my most recent migraine episode, I’ve learned that I still haven’t overcome my issues with stress. I’ve learned that I still need to work on myself and my happiness. I was upset that I couldn’t spend time with my partner. And I felt that it was unfair. I don’t think it’s fair that my time with my partner has to be approved by his parent. I’m still upset. I honestly don’t think there is a solution and the only solution is for me to just live with it.

In other news, I have been falling back more into blogging because it’s my escape from the stressors in my life. I want to live the life that I want, but maybe these issues are holding me back. I can always spend more time on improving myself, but I can’t get more time with my partner. I’m always studying, working, or doing something to improve myself to stop myself from missing my partner. I think it’s unfair that I can’t even eat dinner with my partner when we live together. I describe it as being against the law because his parent will freak out if we spend non-approved time together. I will get over this eventually. I hope that I’m strong enough to not be influenced by this.

Infinitely more tired right now

Just as I thought 2020 might be better, I am faced again with the same problems. And maybe it’s my fault that I still continue to think about it. I know that I have better things to worry about, but I can’t stop myself from thinking about things. I’m also becoming so tired. I feel like I’m always mentally exhausted. I don’t think my life is actually getting worse, but my mind believes that I am not living the best life I could be living.

I just cannot wait until I can have a house of my own. I want to be able to decorate the living room and the kitchen. I want to be able to have some of my own decorations around the house. And I’m tired of having to abide by other people’s wishes. I pay my share of the mortgage every month and more, so why am I treated like a second class citizen? It’s fine. I’ll continue to tell myself that I have so many more better things in my life and I am living an infinitely better life than most are. I’ll be okay. It’s all about being strong when you are faced with adversity. I need to continue to have a clear mind and continue to be happy for myself.

Trying to find happiness again

I’m finding it incredibly hard again to foster my happiness and to protect it from outside influences. I talk about my happiness quite often and I guess what I mean by happiness is the ability to enjoy my life without negativity. I’ve found that I have a hard time forgiving and forgetting. That could be the reason why I’m not achieving the happiness I want. I haven’t forgiven anyone yet. And I’ve noticed that I hold on to grudges. If I can learn to let go, will these problems finally go away? I don’t know, but I’m willing to try anything to make myself happy.

It’s not fair

Sometimes, I believe that it’s not fair that people have the opportunity to take advantage of other people and they do so. If they don’t want whatever is done to them, then why do they do it to others? The reason I’ve came up with is that life is not fair. People are not always in tune with what God would want them to do. And they live without guidance in their life. I’m so tired of expecting people to behave properly and always being disappointed. For example, people will walk away from me while I’m in the middle of talking to them. It drives me absolutely crazy. If I walk away from them in the middle of their sentence, I am the one that is made to look crazy. I am constantly treated as below and made to feel like my life is not as important as other’s. And I am exhausted from dealing with this. I want to be treated well. I want people to treat me with decency at least. I am ultimately tired of giving more and receiving less. I know that my life is not worth less than those of other’s. Then why do people treat me like this? I don’t have an answer to these questions right now because I’m still searching for the answers. I know that my mind needs to rest though. My sanity is entirely gone through years of enduring this. And if no one can give me the peace and learn to respect me as a human being, then I will be by myself. I am happily content with myself that I am entirely at peace. I hope that I will find the healing that I need and I will continue to fight for myself. I am the only person that truly cares about me. And I’m not going to give up until I am receiving more.

Daily Motivation #34

I’ve been so in need of a change in my life. I was getting tired of being around too many people and it started to overwhelm me every day. I began trying to distance myself. And the results have been night and day. I’ve felt way more happy and maybe even more content with myself. I’ve noticed that there is absolutely no drama in my life. My overall happiness has gotten better too. It’s just the guilt of ignoring other people that is ruining this happiness for me. I haven’t been replying to other people too. I know that that is not okay, but I am so desperate for space. I’ve always been introverted, so I know how much I need time to myself. I don’t know how to stay introverted, but also balance that with having to talk to other people. I’m beginning to think that there is no balance between the two. Hopefully things will work itself out and I’ll be able to have both somehow.

Greed and Jealousy

At this point in my life, I’m definitely beginning to notice how greed and jealousy changes people. And the change is not good. It doesn’t look good on people. Greed is something that I’m seeing a lot of. Money changes the way people act towards you. They will try to do what is best for them, but not necessarily what is best for you. Therefore, you have to be really careful about being too close to people that are greedy. If you can, try not to involve money or talk too much about money with other people. They might not be trustworthy and they might be comparing themselves to you. When they do, they’ll either treat you below average or they’ll ask you for money. None of these things are comfortable for you. It should be avoided at all costs. Honestly, I’ve never believed that sharing how much money you have is a good thing. When people ask me how much money I make, I make it very vague. I don’t ask them how much money they make, but they always seem to ask me.

Jealousy is another beast. I’ve noticed that jealousy lasts a lot longer than greed. And it is very dangerous. If you find that someone is jealous of you, try to avoid that person at all costs. You don’t know what they will do. And if they’re jealous of you, they want whatever it is that they don’t have. I would steer clear of them for good. If you have to interact with them, keep the conversation simple and always try to act like you’re very busy.

Overall, I’m beginning to distance myself from people almost permanently. I haven’t really talked to too many people besides going to work. And I’ve been pretty happy. Sometimes, people can bring drama into your life. It’s a balance. Do what you think is best and learn to protect yourself.

If this isn’t what you want to do, then don’t do it

I’m beginning to believe that 2020 is about asserting your dominance over your own choices. I feel like we are all pressured into doing things that we don’t want to do. It’s important to have your own happiness too. I find it incredibly disheartening to see people living a miserable life because they have to do things that they didn’t choose.

I’m becoming a lot better at writing blog posts related to mental health. I’m definitely dealing with a lot of mental health things myself too. I need some time to do what I want. I want to have my life back, completely, without the influence of other people. This is my life and my life is precious to me. Give me my life back!

How much is enough?

I’m so tired of people that are not worth losing my sanity over. My life is fine without too many people in it. I’ve realized that having friends is so much better than family. Your friends respect your boundaries and they will care for you better than your family does. And your friends are fun to hang out with. I’m going on my vacation tomorrow and I’m so excited. I need some time to recharge away from all the negativity. I’m looking forward to it. And I’m leaving tomorrow early afternoon 😊 I’m going to shut off for awhile and just enjoy my vacation.

Daily Motivation #33

When people are obsessed with you and you just want to be alone. I just want no one to bother me. I don’t have the energy anymore to deal with this bs. I don’t care about being polite. I honestly don’t care. It’s so stupid. I know I just need to focus on my own stuff and all of this other stuff is a waste of time. Am I seriously going to sit here and think about simple house chores? No. So stupid. So done. I just need to be left alone.

Being in a relationship is so hard

When you and your partner hit a bump in your relationship, it’s so difficult to get everything back together. If it’s a big bump, the amount of work you need to fix it is even more. I’m so protective of my relationship and I know that we both want to be together. It’s so hard though. Maybe true love takes a lot of work. It requires both people to really want to be together. And I know that it’s worth it. I’m going to continue to work on my relationship. I hope that things will continue to foster and grow in a healthy way. Not everything is so simple, but true relationships can withstand a lot. The path to happiness is never easy. Everything will work out for the better.

Having a therapist helps a lot

I recently got a therapist that I talk to every day. We haven’t spoken too much on specific things because I’m still in the getting to know each other phase, but I’m excited to see how things change in the upcoming weeks. I’m not a perfect person and I definitely need a lot of help when it comes to relationships and stress management. I realized that I was doing a lot of the work by myself and maybe there was too much for me to worry about. It could be that one person can’t handle that much stress. I’ve learned that I need to slow down. My life has been a whirlwind of emotions that I’ve only created for myself. If I take the time to work out how to manage all of my emotions, I think I will definitely be a stronger person. I’ll let you know how everything goes in the next few weeks. I have my lsat test next week too. I’m hoping for a good day on test day.

Wow I feel alone

I’m not going to lie… I have a lot of good people in my life and I am almost never alone. I have my friends and all of my students. They really know how to make me happy. And when I’m feeling especially alone, I look forward to seeing them. I also have my family and my other support systems. All of this doesn’t matter to me though. I don’t feel complete without my husband. It feels like there is a huge open hole in my heart when we’re fighting. And I miss him. It doesn’t feel normal to not talk to him. I don’t know when I became so clingy. I hate it. I don’t want to be like this. I want to be strong and to be a strong woman.

Is it wrong though to miss your husband during a fight? I don’t even know if he misses me. I will live, I guess. I just want him to talk to me. We’re taking some time to calm down after a fight. It’s my least favorite part of our relationship… the fighting part. I need to not be caught up in all of the missing him because I want to heal what went wrong.

I’m about to drive home after a long day of being out. And I wonder what it’s going to be like coming back home. Will he talk to me? Will he act like I’m not there? Will he sleep on the couch again? Being married is so hard. I need to stop obsessing and start thinking about something else. Come on Lia, you’ll be okay. Just calm down.

The problem with people being hurt about not being invited to my wedding

First of all, I didn’t even have a ceremony. It’s amazing that people want to be included in my life when they make absolutely zero effort to include me in theirs. Why would I invite them to my wedding? I had a private vow exchange with my husband and I. That’s it. We didn’t do anything extravagant. We wanted it to be only about us. And people are just including themselves in it. I didn’t know getting married was about them also.

It’s alright though. I have much more things to do than to care about this stuff. It only bothered me a little. I know my husband and I are happy. And is it bad that I’m happy that no one else was invited? This is MY wedding. I got to control it. I will never let anybody control what I do or tell me what to do. No thank you! Bye Felicia!

Don’t let other people decide your life

You are your own person and they are their own. Why should you let someone control your life? Don’t! I certainly don’t and I have been very happy. I stopped listening to the nonsense that was told to me about what to do and when to do it. I don’t control their life, so why should I let them control mine? My life is mine. I am going to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to. I could care less. 2020 is about living your life the way you want. Start taking control of your own stuff and start making yourself happy! Let’s do it!

Tunnel Vision

The most important lesson I’ve learned this year is to have tunnel vision and to only see what you need to see. There are so many things going on in the world and it’s just not worth my time anymore to care. I’ve also seen the importance of ignoring those who don’t support you or like you. If they’re not doing anything for you, you must distance yourself away. I’ve greatly increased my productivity and my happiness by doing so. And I wish I would have done this sooner. Tunnel vision also protects you from being hurt by unnecessary things. I haven’t been hurt from people saying or talking bad things about me. I honestly don’t care. And I have taught myself to release that energy back into my work. My success is a result of gaining back the time that I wasted on other people. I’m much more happier and I feel like I finally I have control of my life again.

Isolation is refreshing

It’s good to spend time by yourself and I am one of those people that love being by themselves. I prefer to spend huge chunks of my time doing things alone. I like to eat alone. I love surfing the web alone. These are the things that make me happy. I am glad this year that I was able to protect my own happiness from the negativity in the world. It has been difficult. I’ve had to go out of my way to do this, but I’m so glad that I did. My mental health has improved drastically from what it was before. I hope to be able to continue taking care of myself. I’m looking forward to 2020 and I hope everyone has a great New Years!

Happiness is your choice

Not everyone is happy all the time and that is understandable. I believe that if you choose to make the best out of your day/situation, you will create more happiness. It’s okay to have things not go your way. And I’ve been in more situations than I would like where I was having a bad day. I’ve learned that happiness doesn’t just happen to you, it’s something you choose every day.

I’m going to try to give this a chance. I know that life is going to get better for me and I’m excited for that. I obviously don’t do well with stress or negative people, but I know that I’ve grown so much stronger. I’m ready for the new year and I will strive to be the best version of myself.

Daily Motivation #32

I’m feeling quite discouraged. I work so hard and I’m so tired, but I don’t see any results. What’s the point of working hard every day to achieve my goals when I don’t see the fruits of my labor? I know nothing happens over night. I need to learn to be more patient with myself. I’m too ambitious and I have always been like this ever since I was young. Nothing has really changed. I think a good night’s rest will help a lot to clear my mind. I hope everyone is having a good Christmas!

Daily Motivation #31

Not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay. They are jealous of you. They want what you have. It’s best just to ignore them. Nothing brings down a queen that has it all. It is normal to have haters on the side, but remember that they are just a waste of time. They’re insignificant to the bigger dream that you have. And maybe everyone will think you’re crazy for ignoring these people, but that’s okay too. Nothing will stop you from your goals. Not even a person. They can try to pull you down to their level, but you will rise. And they are nothing to you 🙏

Living with Stress Gut

As of recently in the past couple of years, I’ve learned that I suffer from stress gut. I get a sharp pain in the center of my stomach every couple of minutes. I also vomit uncontrollably. The pain is bearable, but also very uncomfortable. I’ve learned that I need to stay away from stressors and negative thoughts. They pollute my mind and it makes me very ill. Surprisingly, the stomach is connected to stress. If you suffer from stress gut, your stomach has more bad bacteria than good bacteria. You also bloat a lot. The symptoms are similar to having stomach cramps and it lasts for two or more days. I don’t have an exact cure except to practice breathing exercises. Breathe in deeply several times. Sleeping has helped also. I also haven’t drank any caffeine, which I heard makes it worse.

I recently had stress gut and I’m still suffering from it right now. I had a terrible headache earlier today, but I took aspirin and I napped. The stomach pains haven’t stopped though. I never understood what it felt like to be so stressed that you feel sick inside until now. It’s a horrible feeling. I am going to try to rewrite my mind. I know I’ve been thinking negatively. I think that I need to learn how to ignore my problems and just be happy. I’m still learning and if you’re struggling with something similar, know that you are going to be okay. Don’t stop fighting for your mental health. You have to keep fighting for your happiness.

I’m writing this while on the exercise bike. Exercising helps to reduce stress and I hope it works for me right now. I hope everyone is doing well. I hope you have a good weekend!

Daily Motivation #30

I’m beginning to understand that I still have a lot of control over my life and no one can control what I want to do. I will still continue to be the best dog owner to my yorkie and I will continue to be a good wife to my husband. I will also continue to build a great future for myself regardless of all the negativity. Nothing will deter me from my goals. Life is going to be great and I cannot let anything rob me of my happiness.

Daily Motivation #29

I’m struggling with protecting my own happiness. I distance myself away from all of the negativity and somehow, it always ends up crawling back into my life. I don’t know how to completely be away from it. And I’m very upset by this.

I spend almost all of my time away from the negativity and they still try to do things that they know will bother me. They act like I’m not there, but they are standing where I need to go. And I have to just stand there and wait until they move. It’s not like they don’t have eyes and they can’t see I’m there! It makes me so mad. They wake up early just because they know they can find me earlier in the morning. They ask questions about me all the time and they’re actively trying to ruin my life. I can’t stand this. I can’t live with this controlling person. And I’m disgusted by them.

I’m beginning to realize that my happiness will never be protected. I can never completely be apart from this person. They will always be there trying to ruin my life. It’s like always having a shadow watching over you. I just want my peace. I want to be able to live happily and not have to be affected by this person. I’m utterly disgusted, but I know I will continue to try to get my happiness back. They will not defeat me. My happiness is worth protecting and I will continue to rise above this person. They continue to ruin other people’s lives too. It’s not just me.

Random Thoughts #1 💭

I’ve been thinking of starting this as a new series alongside my daily motivation posts. I like writing what I’m thinking about at the moment and I find it very therapeutic to write these thoughts down. It helps me to get over the problem. And I’m much more happier after.

I’ve been thinking about blogs and I’m surprised not a lot of people blog around me. I wonder what they’ll do in the future when they get older. Will they continue to watch television and do nothing when they’re older? Blogging gives me something to do that is productive. I’m thankful for finding blogging when I did, but I know that some people will never find a hobby. And that is sad. They’ll never find something they like to do.

I don’t want to say that I think I’m better because I blog, but I know that I will be blogging probably for the rest of my life. And that gives me a sense of security knowing that I have a future with blogging. I know that whatever happens, I will always have something to fall back on. Some people will never have that. They grow old and they have zero skills. I wonder about that. Why didn’t they find something to fall back on? I don’t understand, but I guess not everything has to have an answer.

Daily Motivation #28

I am happy today. I’ve learned to ignore the negative and just focus on the positive. Life is good.

I’m still studying and working. It’s hard, but I’m proud of myself. Every day is filled with activities and things to do. It keeps me busy, and I am grateful to do something. Nothing has quite changed since my last post. My sleep has also improved. I hope everyone is having a good week so far! December is the best time of the year and I’m excited!

Daily Motivation #27

Hello everyone 👋 It has been awhile since I’ve posted that I can remember. I’ve finally decided to take this Sunday to rest and recuperate without feeling guilty that I should be doing something productive. I’m giving myself one day just to rest and I deserve it.

I’ve been watching The Good Place on Netflix and it has to be one the best shows I’ve watched in a long time. I’m on season 2 now. It has also led me to question morality. What defines a good person? What makes a person bad? The show answers these questions. I really like that the show is humorous too. It’s definitely worth checking out.

I feel like I’m finally back in a good place. It really helped to nap today. My mind is more clear than ever. I even feel ready to start work tomorrow! I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! I’ll see you another time!

Where my head is at

I’ve always been the kind of person that gets everything second. I am the youngest in my family and it’s no surprise to me that I am the least appreciated. I don’t even get invited to events from my own family unless my mom invites me. My second oldest sister doesn’t like me. And I don’t even do anything wrong. I do my own thing and I never bother anyone. It’s just interesting to me how this dynamic works. I can say something that she doesn’t like and she’ll yell at me with ferocity. Somehow though, I’m not allowed to speak my truth. That’s why I try to stay away from my family sometimes. They don’t understand how I feel and they don’t care about my feelings frankly.

I’ve also noticed how people feel like they’re better than me. I’ve met people that treat me like crap. They don’t talk to me directly or they don’t look me in the eye. I’m not a mean person, so I don’t get it. They will ask someone next to me a question about me even though I’m right there. They could have just asked me. It makes me sick, but I ignore it. I keep all of these feelings hidden because I don’t want to cause a scene. I think I don’t speak my mind because I don’t want to accept that these people are not good people. I want to delusion myself into thinking that they’ll be better to me someday.

I’ve also noticed how even when I mind my own business and I don’t talk crap about someone, they are still bothered by my presence. I leave them completely alone. I hide myself, so I pretend I’m not even there. AND THEY ARE STILL BOTHERED! It irks me. I literally don’t cause any trouble. I do what I’m told. I am still confused by how I cannot be liked.

I see pictures of events that my sister hosts and I’m not invited. I am ignored by her constantly. Everyone in my family can see that she’s messed up, but they still stand by her. And surprise surprise… no one is behind me. I’m so sick of this. I think I need to toughen up. I no longer can ignore this crap. I’ve been keeping all of this to myself for too long. I’m so tired of being treated like this.

Living a busy life

Hi everyone, once again, I’m finding it difficult to post regularly. I know it’s because my life is so hectic right now and I haven’t been able to do much besides work. I go through waves where I post a lot and I also go through times where I don’t post at all. I apologize. I’m going to try my best to continue posting.

As you may know, my life is difficult at home at times and it has relaxed a little. I don’t have time for negative energy. I’ve found that my being busy helps with staying away from negative energy. I’m very happy about that. I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving! And I’ll talk to you again soon!

Libra husband and Virgo wife

I don’t usually write posts like these about horoscopes, but I thought it would be important to talk about how two people fit each other. My husband is a libra and he has to have everything balanced in his life. I am a Virgo. I am patient, but I am also a perfectionist. My husband becomes frustrated if a small thing throws off his balance. I am patient, so I can fix the problem without it affecting me. I didn’t quite notice this before until lately. I think we fit each other perfectly. We are similar in many ways, but our differences help each other. I never thought I would be with a Libra. I am always surprised and he makes me feel secure in our relationship. Not many horoscope pages talk about this fact. I’ve looked before because I am obsessed with astrology. I now know that this is a perfect pair, and a strong love is possible with a Libra husband and a Virgo wife.

Daily Motivation #26

We get caught up in the complexities of life that we often forget to see the beauty. If we become too focused on the pain and we forget to remember life is beautiful, that’s when we go to a bad place. I’m going to do my best to remember that life is amazing and that I am happy. I am so lucky to be where I am. I have a small family with my boyfriend and our dog. I know our little family will grow some day and I’m excited to be a part of it. I hope everyone is having an amazing day. Happy Friday!

Blogging is the best

I know that I’m not as consistent in my blogging as I should be. I have tons of posts on all three of my blogs. If you don’t see a new post from me on here, you might find one on my other blogs. I do try to post weekly though and that has been a struggle ever since my work has become more demanding. Every time I blog though, I feel a great sense of relief. It’s comforting to tell someone how I feel. And I don’t always have someone to tell these things to. I am so grateful for finding blogging when I did. I was going through a rough time in my life and my blogs kept me afloat. I think I’ve written about 300+ blog posts. I’m also working on my fourth blog. I’ve fallen in love with blogging. If none of my careers work out, I’m going to be a full time blogger.

I don’t always post, but when I do, it reminds me of how lucky I am. And I am so happy when I’m blogging.

Daily Motivation #25

I’m so sorry I’ve haven’t been blogging as much as I used to. My work has been consuming all of my time and I’ve been exhausted. I’m still so thankful for blogging and all of the bloggers in this community. I recently received such a nice comment on my blog and it reminds me of why I continue to blog. I hope everyone has been having a great year and I will continue to update this blog as much as I can.

Thank you for reading!

Daily Motivation #24

I’m beginning to learn the importance of having a good partner. A partner can help you see your flaws and they want you to be the best that you can be. I’m not a perfect person, but my partner has helped me grow so much and I don’t know where I would be without him. I’m beginning to learn how to stop thinking negatively. It’s one of my biggest issues I’m struggling with at the moment. I sometimes get consumed with negative thoughts and I don’t talk about other stuff. I really want to change. I know that he will help me, but I want to show myself that I can do it. I’m ready to make changes 👍

Daily Motivation #23

There are going to be obstacles in life, and don’t let them tear you down. Ignorance is bliss. And don’t ever let someone push you down to their level. Keep your head up high and stand tall. Life is amazing only if you make it amazing. If someone else is not happy with themselves, then let them be. Let them live with their own unhappiness. Stay strong 💪

What happens when you become lonely?

I’ve never actually been around someone that is chronically lonely 24/7 until a couple of years ago. I witnessed what happened to their life and the consequent events that followed for them. It was not pretty. In response, I saw it as my duty to make myself as less lonely as possible. I didn’t want to end up like that. And I saw what it did to that person.

You become overly attached to someone. If you have only one friend, you keep texting them and you become jealous when they hang out with other people. I remember acting like this in middle school. I ended up not having many friends after that. That person starts to distance themselves from you. And then you end up with no one.

Another thing that happens is that you start to become overly irritable. When someone hangs out with you, you complain constantly. Nothing makes you happy. And you’re always in the mood of hating other people because they have what you want. When you see other people happy, you become jealous. This jealous feeling eventually consumes your life.

The last thing that happens is depression. You fall into a state of depression that never ends. You end up staying at home not wanting to do anything. Taking care of yourself is out of the window. Every day of your life is miserable.

Loneliness is a mental state. No one is physically forcing you to feel this way. And I know that many people are dealing with loneliness. If you can get out of it, do so right away. Start a number of hobbies that take up your time. Go out and talk to people. Life is meant to be enjoyed. And the time you spend feeling tortured by yourself is time that is wasted.

Life is Great

I’m finding life to be amazing right now. I’m happy all the time and nothing is getting me down. I think I’ve finally overcome the thing that was making me depressed and my life has drastically changed for the better. If you’re ever in need of help and support, reach out here! I’m hoping everyone is having a great Halloween 🎃

Daily Motivation #22

I’ve been really trying to keep my mind clear of all negative thoughts and I’ve been struggling with doing this. I know I am going to be okay. I keep telling myself this. I believe there comes a time when you just have to be strong. Whenever these thoughts are there, I feel myself becoming weak.

Today has been a great day so far. I have a long day of teaching lessons. There are about six lessons I have to teach today. I have a two hour gap in between two of those lessons and I’m grateful for that. I’m going to go eat my second lunch and relax. I also hope to study a little bit for the lsat. Life has been good to me lately. And I have to tell myself that haters will always be there. My life is going to be alright.

No Privacy

I’m quickly learning that I have absolutely no privacy whatsoever. All of my moves are being watched and it’s quite annoying. I don’t understand how someone can be so obsessed with your business, but I have somebody that is watching me.

I’ve recently begun sneaking out of the house in order to get some privacy. And it’s been difficult. I’m still brainstorming on some ways to get some privacy. Any advice would be well appreciated!